
29 September 2011


Hyep!! & asalamualaikum u all.. da lama da aq x update blog nie,omwork aq byk sngt a so mse on9 2 aq trpksa btskn.. pape pown study 2 an pnting dri sume bnda, lau keje byk x t'updte a blog nie jwb nyye.

kdang2 2 aq asew bowink sngt2 study ble msuk jewp bb stress nie,asew nk mgmuk x tntu hla jewp,p an alhmdulillah sngt coz aq dpt conrol sume bnda2 -tive dri kpla aq nie..hukhuk..lau bnda 2 mrebk x stop2 ,uhh abz a aq..xde ubt a tuk virus uh..hahahaa

hurm nie lgi aq xsker,korunk tau x aq pnye exam an lgi 2 mngu,trikh sbnrnye lmbt lgi tp ttba jewp di cpt kn..xsker3..heehe
trikh nie bru jewp bg tau kt sume students..yg aq xsker nye aq isaw x smpt nk rvision sume sbjek..hehe
pdn mker aq ugk an,2 a sape yg swoh dk men2 tme ckg dk mgjr,xde owg pown yg swoh aq mnynyi tme ckg suh wk lthn..hekhek,pdn mker!!!
ninie.ilek k xprlu isaw pape,gnakn sume mse yg kau ad tuk ulng sume pe yg kau da bljr..
aq msty ykin aq bleh anwer all the question..
yg aq prlukn skunk nie,tumpukn sume phtian kt study,xde lgi nynyian time ckg mgjr n omwork xbleyh tnguh2..hukhuk..
buat mse skunk nie jrng a aq dpt mngdp blog nie,mte aq kn rht dri blog wk smntra wktu but akn focus kt bku2 yg tblnye mcm bkit uh..

xbleh lgi xsker tp trpkse sker..
lau result aq trok final exam nie mke tuk taon dpn sume hrta ksyngan aq drmps oleh my parents..huhhh
ckg2 aq pown da bg wrning sape2 yg dpt result trok mke KELUAR A KORUNK DARI KELAZ 4SC1,KORUNK XLAYAK ADA DI KELAZ NIE..ekeke,bgitu le al-kisahnye ckg aq dk mmbebel..hukhuk...
jdual exam aq blom dpt lgi mybe  next week kowt..arp2 an sbjek2 KILLER 2 laz kli aq exam..lau 1st gk pnsng a aq..xsmpt nk prpare pape..from now on i must do a revision..10 sbjek must mlkt kt kpla niey
 dlm byk2 sbek yg aq list kn 2, korunk msty tau an sbjek pe yg aq xsker..hehe,korunk pk korunk jwb a sndri..
ok le pray for my success k...
love u all..:-p

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